Samsung galaxy tab 2.10.1 review, for tl;dr crowd

Forgettable, confused, one can only tell the existence of the Samsung tablets, but there are so many of them with so little of a difference, churning out in a speed that confounded even the most avid Sammy fan. The Samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1, typing the name of it like running a marathon, rant much? Which I shouldn’t, okay, the naming strategy in the tablet world is relatively benign, hey, at least we haven’t got the Samsung epic touch 4g lte yet.


The newest bigger galaxy tab is a solid but unspectacular machine in the spec department with 1GHZ dual core processor and 1G ram, it suffice to run daily tasks, games, if there’s any on the android market for tablets. The design is good enough to contract the famous claim that there’s only so much ways as to design a tablet with big glass front and luckily, Samsung get the cue. It doesn’t mimic the iPad but still looking good.


The fragmentation and lack of killer apps on the android platform always saddens me. Other than that, this is a stellar OS which got samsunged a little bit. Samsung load a few homegrown apps which I conveniently ignored, I know their existence.


Mediocre but on bar with the industry standard of a camera for tablets


Okay, this is the point, it’s 0 cheaper than iPad, but if a lower price tag could justify the tradeoffs in this device, my guess is no.

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