How to recover pictures and videos deleted from HTC desire HD

Q: I have had my htc desire for a few months and had about 1000 photos and videos stored on it. 

A few nights ago my darling baby boy who is all of 2 managed to successfully delete every last one of my photos and videos.

First of all I am just kicking myself for letting him play with my phone and secondly I am kicking myself for not backing them

up on my computer.

so what should I do to recover the deleted photos from my htc desire HD?

Well, it is possible to recover deleted files from HTC desire, actually, it’s easy.

The result of photo recovery depends on if the memory block where the deleted files is intact. If you haven’t shot/record with the phone after the deletion, the deleted files remain perfectly recoverable. If not, some of the files may got overwritten thus beyond repair. 

Reasons that deleted files can be recovered after deletion

The sd card storage is like the computer hard drive, when files are deleted, they are not permanently destroyed, only their pointer being removed from the file allocation table, the actual data file stands no harm.

Step by step guide to recover deleted photos, videos and audio files from HTC desire HD

Download photo recovery for HTC desire.

Plug in HTC desire via usb.

Launch the software, select media drive. If the internal storage doesn't show up, go to settings on your phone and undo the debugging mode. Then the software should be able to recognize both the sd card and internal storage as mass storage devices.

Scanning process may take a while. After that, locate the files you want to have back

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